IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 3 Issue 1 | Page 49

Mastering Your Day ... Thomas " Success " Wang

For most my life , up until a few months ago , I felt average . I felt like most people I knew , just “ good ”. I had a good job , a good income , a good relationship , and everything just seemed like it was going well you know , “ good ”. Then something significant occurred , on June 23 , 2016 , I decided my life would never be the same again . It was that day where I awoke from what felt like years of being half awake and half asleep . In that moment of decision , my life changed forever . Over the span of the next 30 days I could accomplish more than I had in the past 6 months . Then 60 days passed , then 90 days , and now I am over 4 months in on this new exponential success path that keeps growing far beyond my prior limiting beliefs .


“ Nobody knows what you have to offer if you don ’ t tell them ”
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How did this all begin ? What steps did I take ? These are the most common questions I get asked on a daily basis . I always start with the simple answer , it begins with MASTERING your DAYS . I ’ d like to take you through a part of my personal journey through the exact actions and outcome-driven steps I took to shift from “ average ” to “ EXCEPTIONAL ” results . After the first few days of following certain steps I had a paradigm shift . The shift was so powerful , I now have overcome all excuses and increased my capacity to achieve by over 10-fold . aluminum tags
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You are about to learn steps that may change your life forever . Before you continue to read you must understand a few rules . First , everything I write and teach are my opinions based off my own personal experiences . If you choose to follow my steps , please understand that it is your choice to do so and your effort will determine the outcome . Secondly , I do not guarantee success , but teach that after you decide , then commit all you need is massive action to increase your likelihood of success significantly ! Thirdly , please do not judge yourself for what you have not accomplished . Keep working . And finally , the steps and content to follow are tools written specifically for you , but they are only words . After reading this I strongly advise you to take massive action towards your success by continuing your personal growth through education . These steps are abbreviated and meant to be interactive so grab a pad and pen and let ’ s get going !
Step 1 : The Rating System . On an empty sheet draw a line down the middle . On the left write the word “ Personal ” and on the right , write the word “ Career ”. On a scale of 1 - 100 you are going to pick a number that best represents how you “ feel ” about your personal life and career life . In your Personal life , please consider the following - family , relationships , energy , happiness , sleep , health , spirit , love , leisure , etc . Example , if everything listed is fantastic , but the relationships you have with your immediate family are nowhere near where you want it to be , then it would average to let ’ s say a 75 . In your Career life please consider the following - Title , responsibilities , time , relationships , stress , income , benefits , growth , respect , etc . Example , if everything listed felt average and maybe some things occasionally felt great then the number would average let ’ s say an 80 . Write those numbers down below the word “ Personal ” and the word “ Career ”. Almost everyone picks numbers between 10 to 90 .
Now let ’ s say you talked to me in person 5 years in the future and I asked you the same question , to rate yourself from 1-100 on the average of your results in both Personal and Career . Let ’ s say in this example , you were living the most PERFECT
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