IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 3 Issue 1 | Page 23

Tips on maintaining a healthy life

Do you believe , you are what you eat , drink , breathe and think ? While the consumption or avoidance of certain things is not to be considered as the best medicine in preventing illnesses . Yet , the proper choices can assist in a healthier life . When there ’ s diminished elimination of physical and emotional toxins , the after effect could lead to DNA damage and ultimately cancer . Strategies for breast cancer prevention :
1 . Eat Healthy :
Create a healthy lifestyle that includes , antioxidant-rich foods like organic fruits , vegetables , nuts and seeds , not to leave out the healthy fats like avocado and eliminate sugar as much as possible from your diet , because it activates the growth of cancer cells .
2 . Quit smoking :
Smokers have a 24 % higher risk of obtaining cancer than individuals that don ’ t smoke as read , in a recent study , published in The Journal of the National Cancer Institute .
3 . Avoid alcohol :
Women who consume alcohol regularly have higher body estrogen level than those who don ’ t . Estrogen dominates is associated with increased risk of break cancer .

Dr . Norma Waite Orlando ’ s Leading Female Gynecologist Dr . Norma Waite is a Leading Female Gynecologist in Orlando , Florida . Norma L . Waite MD , Medical has been meeting the needs of women throughout Central Florida and beyond since 1983 . Dr . Waite and experts in gynecological procedures and minimally invasive surgeries .

This inclusive range of gynecological services provides patients with the most comprehensive women ’ s care available . We understand the importance of women ’ s health issues , which is why we go beyond just treating patients . We not only care for patients , but we also educate them on the issues that affect their well-being . With educational articles and procedure explanations , our website is available to assist our patients with making appointments and informed decisions about their healthcare .


4 . Exercise regularly :
As read from www . cancer . org Most studies indicate that physically active women have a lower risk of developing breast cancer than inactive women ..
5 . Do regular breast self-exams :
Save your life by learning how to give yourself breast exams . Check with your OBGYN or schedule an appointment with Dr . Waite , for a step by step guide .
6 . Consume a good-quality protein at each meal :
A healthy body can fight cancer . Having the proper amino acids is important at every step to function optimally .
7 . Live a balanced life to the best of your ability :
Meditate daily , learn how to deep breathe in times of stress . Forgive and move on . Journal before going to bed to detoxify the mind .
8 . Get Proper Rest :
Studies from Breast Cancer Research has determined lack of sleep is linked to more cancers including breast cancer .