IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 3 Issue 1 | Page 21

continuously seek the next miracle diet , potion , pill or magic formula to fix all of our problems . The diet industry and food industry knows how to appeal to our busy , stressed out lives , and our hope for a quick easy solution . But there is no quick fix . We cannot trick our bodies ; the body has definite processes , and when we start working with the body instead of against it , giving it what it needs , we see and feel results .
My life ’ s purpose is to show through example that whole life wellness is possible ! The first step is to change our thinking . We are unfortunately conditioned in our country to be reactive instead of proactive . We wait for symptoms to appear before we pay attention to our wellness . But the truth is , by the time we experience symptoms like acid reflux , migraines , intestinal conditions , chronic fatigue , aches and pains , diabetes , auto immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia , our bodies have already been out of balance and overrun with inflammation for a very long time . Something else I say often is that we are not ‘ well ’ up until the day we are diagnosed . The body is consistently doing the best it can for us with what we give it to work with , and at some point , will not be able to buffer or compensate if we don ’ t give it what it needs .
Without a healthy body , we are limited to how grand our lives can be , how much we can contribute to the world , and how big of a difference we can make while we ’ re alive . And , unfortunately , many lives are cut short and families lose loved one ’ s way before they should , simply because the body was not cared for or given the basic tools it needs to stay healthy and free from disease .
So , here ’ s the good news ! We absolutely can change our thinking from a reactive to proactive ! We can change the band-aid approach of treating symptoms as if they were the disease . We can begin giving the body the best tools with which to do its many physiological and metabolic processes ! No matter your age , where you live , or what you do , you can start your journey now . You can begin putting all those great puzzle pieces together to build your own amazing new health and wellness picture !
As I continue to learn and live my own wellness journey , I am convinced that superior hydration and detoxification with the healthiest water is the absolute foundation , and the place to begin , to give your body what it needs to get back into balance . Water is the delivery system of nutrition and oxygen to our cells through our blood .
Stay tuned to IBA Success Magazine in the next issue , I will address healthier foods , exercise , and other wellness modalities for encouraging a lifelong positive wellness journey . It ’ s never too early , and it ’ s never too late to begin living a beautiful life of energy , passion , and wellness !
Lori Ellis ,
Certified Fitness Trainer Nutrition & Wellness Coach
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