IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 3 Issue 1 | Page 20

Inspiring Wellness ... by Lori Ellis

My absolute passion and purpose is to inspire you to think of your health as a fun and exciting journey . After all , when your body operates at its maximum potential there are no limits to what you can experience . Our body is not who we are , but it houses who we are ; our spirit , soul , heart , and mind .
True wellness involves an awareness of the whole person and every aspect of life . Think of your whole wellness picture like a puzzle made up of many essential pieces . Everyone ’ s wellness picture looks a little bit different , made up of their own unique puzzle pieces . While there are variables like gender , age , ethnicity , upbringing , genetic predispositions , and even environmental impact , 75 % of every single person ’ s picture is the same . That 75 % is made up of water ! Water truly is life and consuming it regularly is the easiest , first step .
Next to air , water is the most necessary life sustaining element . So , drinking healthy water is important , and drinking enough water to be hydrated is imperative ! In the order of importance of life sustaining elements , the list reads air first , then water , then food . Next to breathing , water is the next most crucial necessity for our bodies .
Nutrition is of course important as well , and there are very specific macro and micronutrients that the body requires to do its many amazing and miraculous processes every day to keep us alive .


Free Classes include : Wellness Coach , Goal Setting & Achieving


Enter “ Adrienne ” when you Register for how you were invited !
Let me back up a bit and let you know that not only did I not always know this information , there was a time I didn ’ t even think about what I put into my body . I was not raised in a health-conscious household and I had no idea about nutrition or what the body needs . In my teens and as a young adult , I began exercising to try to lose weight . I tried every diet imaginable , I ate junk food and lived on diet soda . I would restrict my calories , basically starving myself , when I really got determined to try to lose a few pounds . So , basically , I did everything wrong .
" I was excited to share everything I learned , and I continue to be driven by this passion to share whole life wellness with the world !"
I really knew nothing at all about health or wellness . As a result , 17 years ago , at the young age of 33 , I became very ill with inflammatory endometriosis , grew benign tumors on my ovaries the size of grapefruits , and ended up having two surgeries two years in a row .
The second one left me surgically menopausal . I remember waking up in the recovery room thinking , “ Now what ?” I was only 33 years old but I felt about 110 years old . I had two little children at home , and now I had to think about menopause .
I decided right then and there to figure out what my body needed . I was going to learn the physiology of the body and how to live healthy so I would never end up on an operating table again . I wanted to be well and fit , and have energy for my children . I was also developed a strong passion for helping other people avoid what had just happened to me .
This began my life long journey toward wellness , and an incredibly meaningful and passionate purpose for my life . While I was recovering from surgery , I read anything I could get my hands on about detoxification , hydration , body composition , reducing inflammation , body physiology , hormones , and more . I enrolled in an amazing holistic health and nutrition school , where I witnessed firsthand how the body is a miraculous healing machine , and when given the proper hydration and nutrition , can heal itself and even reverse inflammatory conditions that had taken root . I obtained certifications including fitness training . I was excited to share everything I learned , and I continue to be driven by this passion to share whole life wellness with the world !
Today , now at the age of 50 , I feel better than ever in my life ! I have a healthy body composition , incredible energy and vitality , I am not on any medications , and life is wonderful ! This is a complete turnaround from where I used to be . I ’ m living proof that the body can reverse inflammatory conditions , and biological age need not equal chronological age . When we give the body what it needs , it can do amazing things , even reverse the aging process !
Free Workouts : 1135 Ocoee Apopka Rd Apopka , FL 32703
Nutrition Club : 36 N Park Ave
Apopka , FL 32703
I believe we all want to live well . We want to help our families stay young and healthy . It can seem overwhelming , which is why many people give up or don ’ t even start . We are