Anna Batchelor
My work has always focused on humans – their physicality , psychology and lived experience . This manifests in many ways throughout my work , and my work provides a method of understanding myself and others . My work is a raw , unflinching examination of the human condition . I have explored and emphasised a visceral corporeality through links to flesh and its primal connotations , as well as examining the tensions between these ideas and the structures of human existence . I have become particularly interested in these links between humans and surrounding structures , and so much of my recent work has explored the connections between the body and architecture , both in the ways the body influences architecture , and in how the body can act as architecture . This intertwining of the physical and the built environment is echoed through recent works which aim to explore the ways in which the human condition is reflected through architecture and the ways in which architecture can become reorientated and imbued with meaning .
I am often drawn to oil paint for the emotive and physical way it can represent my ideas , although I have begun to explore these ideas in three dimensions , and so further delve into the relationship between the human and its space .