IASC 25 years | Page 25
Regional Board level, where only representatives of
gional problems and other questions affecting the
relevant national organizations of Arctic countries
common interests of the Arctic countries. The pur-
held positions.21
pose of the Board was to ensure that the activities
of IASC were consistent with those interests. The
However, the relationship between the Council and
Regional Board had no right of veto in this explana-
the Regional Board was still rather loose. Although
tion of the Canadian officer.24
they liked the new text much better, the quatre
exclus were not completely satisfied with two
Founding Meeting in Resolute Bay
founding articles that dealt with the position of the
Finally, after all these discussions about the found-
Council and the Regional Board in the decision-mak-
ing articles, the founding meeting of IASC took
ing process, and had questions about participation
place on 27 August 1990 in Resolute Bay, NU, Can-
in the review meeting of IASC. Finally, as a demon-
ada. In addition to representatives of the national
stration of good intentions to include them from
scientific organizations of the eight Arctic coun-
the beginning, the four wished to be represented
tries, representatives of the science organizations
as observers at the founding meeting of the IASC.22
of France (Claude Lorius), the UK (David Drewry), Poland (Maciej Zalewski), the Federal Republic of Ger-
The four submitted these points as an aide-mem-
many (Gotthilf Hempel), and Japan (Takao Hoshiai)
oire to the officers representing the American
were invited to attend the meeting as observers.25
government and asked them to discuss the points
The science organization of the Netherlands was
with the seven other Arctic countries. The four ex-
very disappointed not to be invited. The explanation
pected much from the USA and the American ne-
of the inviting government of Canada was that the
gotiators. On 8 February, a démarche was executed
Netherlands had not participated in the preceding
in Washington, whereby articles C4 and D1 of the
discussions in San Diego in 1986 and that there
founding articles were seen as the key problems,
were no seats left on the plane to Resolute Bay.26
but participation of all members of the Council in
At the meeting in Resolute Bay, some general prin-
the review meeting was also put forward. The text
ciples were adopted. First, it was agreed that IASC
of the démarche finished with the wish of the four
would be an international NGO of national scientific
to participate in the April meeting of the Rovaniemi
organizations; second, no decisions would be made
Environment Initiative in Yellowknife, Canada, which
on behalf of states; third, no judgment would be
was confusing. Linking these two completely differ-
passed on the value of specific scientific research;
ent activities made the political situation more com-
fourth, IASC would try to avoid competition with
plicated yet, and did not strengthen the position