planning process. At the same time, they searched
Leningrad. The USA supported the non-Arctic coun-
for better solutions to the issue by categorizing
tries in wanting decisions to be taken in consensus
IASC science into regional and world science, and
with no special role for the scientific organizations
connecting decision-making within IASC to this
of the Arctic countries. The USA wanted to see IASC
structure. Moreover, the non-Arctic countries were
as a purely scientific organization with no govern-
invited to send text suggestions for the founding
mental control specified in the founding articles.
articles.15 Although there was no official document,
The creation outside IASC of an advisory commit-
the discussions in Helsinki in May 1989 produced
tee for regional questions would be sufficient. The
draft founding articles, which allowed for scientific
USA brought this to the table at a meeting with
organizations in non-Arctic countries to participate
representatives of Canada and the Soviet Union in
in IASC on an equal basis. However, the USSR and
Moscow on 28-29 June 1989. It again became clear
Canada did not agree with this and considered the
that the USSR and Canada were very much against
founding articles drafted in Leningrad in December
the participation of non-Arctic countries on an
1988 to be the official basis for the establishment
equal basis. According to the Soviet representative,
of IASC.16
the scientific organizat