IACP Human and Civil Rights Committee 2016 Annual Report IACP Human & Civil Rights Committee (Annual Report | Page 9

AW A RDS The committee also reviews and administers the annual IACP Human and Civil Rights Award to recognize outstanding law enforcement achievements in protecting civil and human rights. We extend our sincere appreciation to the award winners. IACP Leadership in Human and Civil Right s Award - I n d i v i d u al A ch i ev em en t Aw ar d M ahesh M uraudhar Bhagwat Police C ommissioner Rachak onda, St at e of Telegana, India Commissioner Bhagwat?s leadership in taking appropriate police action and enlisting assistance from other agencies resulted in having the needed personnel and resources to establish work site schools. Rescuing the children from forced labor protected their human and civil rights and the provided education prepares them to be productive members of their communities. The work site schools have become a model for other areas in India. - A gen cy Aw ar d C alaveras C ount y, C A Sheriff's O ffice The Calaveras County Sheriff ?s Office demonstrated leadership by working with Health and Human Services and other affected agencies to address the recognized problems. The effort has resulted in fewer repeat calls and less time spent by officers handling these cases. Most importantly, the human and civil rights of the mentally ill are protected by ensuring they receive needed treatment rather than only incarceration. Page 8