IACP Human and Civil Rights Committee 2016 Annual Report 1 | Page 3
Message f r om t he Chair
We have seen tremendous change in our profession during 2015-2016.
This report highlights the commitment and collective accomplishments
that our members who serve on the Human and Civil Rights Committee
have made over the past year.
Under the strategic leadership of IACP President Terrence M.
Cunningham and the entire Executive Board, the Human and Civil Rights
Committee strives to provide expert guidance on matters related to the
preservation of the civil rights of all people in our country. Through the
many workshops, speeches, and forums hosted by our members, our
citizen outreach efforts are making a difference in the lives of the
American people.
We are at a critical time in policing where the public demands more
transparency, accountability, and a desire to have a positive relationship
with law enforcement. It is contingent upon us to provide the road map
so that organizations can focus on strategies that build stronger, more
inclusive communities. I hope you enjoy this report.
Police Chief Will D. Johnson
Police Chief Billy Grogan
Dunwoody Police Department
Constitutional Policing Subcommittee Chair
Captain Janet Crumley
Carter County Sheriff's Department
Awards Subcommittee Chair
Director Grande Lum
Community Divided Project - USDOJ
Community Engagement & Education Subcommittee Chair
Police Chief Chet Epperson
Rockford Police Department, Ret.
Hate Crimes Subcommittee Chair
Police Chief Erik Blake
Oak Bluffs Police Department
Not in our Town Subcommittee Chair