IACP Human and Civil Rights Committee 2016 Annual Report 1 | Página 2
Tableof Contents
Chair's Message......................................3
Membership Roster................................8
The commit t ee shal l st udy, consider, and eval uat e programs, pol icies, and
init iat ives t hat wil l enhance l aw enf orcement 's rol e in st rengt hening and
prot ect ing t he civil right s of al l peopl e. The commit t ee wil l work t o set
prof essional st andards and best pract ices f or civil right s pol icy and devel op a
cl earinghouse of inf ormat ion f or l aw enf orcement agencies seeking t o impl ement
programs t o increase ef f ort s designed t o saf eguard civil right s and buil d
l egit imacy wit hin communit ies.