#i2amRU (I, Too, Am Reinhardt) Volume 2 Spring 2016 Volume 2 | Page 30

learned that you can only enjoy life

if you get out there and actually live.I realized how much our generation is addicted to social media. Whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat, we believe we cannot live without it.

Anywhere we go, our phones are glued to our hands, not focusing on the world that is happening in front of us. We try to experience life through our phones by wishing, hoping, and praying that something great will happen, instead of going out there and making it happen. Through my weekend at the mountaintop cabin, I learnedthat you have to experience life by soaking it in with your own eyes and an open mind.

In the morning, we awoke to Kevin’s familiar voice scream, “WAKE UP! We’re heading home in three hours.” Slowly but surely, we woke up and started getting our stuff together.

I don’t wanna go home, I just wanna spend one more day here,my heart told me.

Never would I ever think I would say such a thing. Me wanting to stay in a cabin with no running water, electricity, or cell phone? What is happening to me? I reflected on my newfound love of rustic living.

That retreatweekend had a significant impact on me. I learned how to be self sufficient, how to “survive” without my cell phone attached to my hip, and most of all, I


if you get out there and actually live. I

realized how much our generation is addicted to social media. Whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snap-chat, we believe we cannot live without it.

Anywhere we go, our phones are glued to our hands, not focusing on the world that is happening in front of us. We try to experience life through our phones by wishing, hoping, and praying that some-thing great will happen, instead of going out there and making it happen.

Through my weekend at the moun-taintop cabin, I learned that you have to experience life by soaking it in with your own eyes and with an open mind.

In the morning, we awoke to Kevin’s familiar voice screaming, “WAKE UP! We’re heading home in three hours.” Slowly but surely, we woke up and started getting our stuff together.

I don’t wanna go home, I just wanna spend one more day here, my heart told me.

Never would I ever think I would say such a thing. Me wanting to stay in a cabin with no running water, electricity, or cell phone? What is happening to me?

I reflected on my newfound love of rustic living.

That retreat weekend had a significant impact on me. I learned how to be self-sufficient, how to “survive” without my cell phone attached to my hip, and most of all, I learned that you can only enjoy life