#i2amRU (I, Too, Am Reinhardt) Volume 2 Spring 2016 Volume 2 | Page 28


Group photo on the last day

Drinking Hot chocolate by the fire

hone withdrawal was setting in. Filing in a straight line with minimal flashlights to brighten our path, we finally made it to the cabin after an exhausting two-hour climb. The old wooden cabin was rustic, decorated with a vast wraparound porch. Inside the single wooden-framed door awaited a spaciousliving area with hardwood floors. I was pleased to see a fireplace covering one wall while a furnace sat directly in the middle of the room.

At least there will be heat, I thought, relieved. The living room area was where the guys would curl up in their sleeping bags tonight, while a tiny staircase led to the loft where the young women would be cuddled up later. We built a warm, cozy fire with the leftover firewood cut by a previous group then settled into our sleeping bags for a long, uncomfortable night of sleep.“WAKE UP!” exclaimed Kevin, one of our Young Life leaders.

I yawned, unready to rise. I guess he has an internal alarm clock, considering we aren’t allowed to have our phones

Why are we waking up at the crack of dawn?

I thought.

“It’s time to start making breakfast! Anyone hungry?”Kevinasked.

Ohhh, that explains it. The thought of a warm, filling breakfast enticed all of us to quickly jump out of our sleeping bags. Little did we know we had to chop the wood, start the fire, and then cook that dreambreakfast.

The axes and saws hung in a straight line like saluting soldiers on the back on the cabin. Five of us grabbed themthen ventured out to chop down some firewood.You know, if I had my phone, I couldYouTube or Google the easiest way to obtain firewood, I thought. Instead, we had to do it the old-fashioned way, so it took about an hour to chop what we needed and lug it back to the cabin. Then, the breakfast cooking began.

. e cooked scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast on pans heated by the fire. All twenty-eight of us devoured our breakfast and became immediately energized for what activities lay ahead.


Group photo on the last day

Drinking hot chocolate by the fire

“WAKE UP!” exclaimed Kevin, one of our Young Life leaders.

I yawned, unready to rise. I guess he has an internal alarm clock, considering we aren’t allowed to have our phones.

Why are we waking up at the crack of dawn? I thought.

“It’s time to start making breakfast! Anyone hungry?”Kevin asked.

Ohhh, that explains it. The thought of a warm, filling breakfast enticed all of us to quickly jump out of our sleeping bags. Little did we know we had to chop the wood, start the fire, and then cook that dream breakfast.

The axes and saws hung in a straight line like saluting soldiers on the back on the cabin. Five of us grabbed them then ventured out to chop down some firewood.

You know, if I had my phone, I could YouTube or Google the easiest way to obtain firewood, I thought. Instead, we had to do it the old-fashioned way, so it took about an hour to chop what we needed and lug it back to the cabin. Then, the breakfast cooking began.

We cooked scrambled eggs and bacon on pans heated by the fire. All twenty-eight of us devoured our breakfast and became immediately energized for what activities lay ahead.