I want to be an actor I want to be an actor | Page 45

Spatial awareness- is the ability to create space around self and other actors ; positioning - in relation to each other / to audience ; physical movement on stage ; utilisation of props or set designs .
Breath control- this is also the ability to control breath for vocal projection ; for physical control of energy and use of voice
Stamina- is the ability " to maintain energy , sustain role or momentum ”
Strength – is the ability to maintain stamina , fitness for physical and vocal control ; for emotional control - carrying it through ( emotional tension / sensation is physically
Relaxation- this is the ability to use voice and body without damage ability to use voice and body without damage and allows emotions to come through within character at points of high tension .
Control – meanwhile , is the ability to have power over one ’ s voice and manipulate it at will .
Good actors must possess a number of skills , among them good vocal projection , clarity of speech , physical expressiveness , a good sense of perspective , emotional availability , a well developed imagination , the ability to analyze and understand dramatic text , and the ability to emulate or generate emotional and physical conditions .
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