I want to be an actor I want to be an actor | Page 44

believe .
Interaction- it is how one communicates , as well as reacts with other actors and identify themselves with the roles they play .
Characterization- it is the ability to create a believable character within a role - through discussion , improvisation , analysis , understanding , belief , faith , living the part , imagination , faith and a sense of truth and emotion memory
Emotional impact- it is the ability to feel the right emotions within the role , and communicate them to the audience .
Focus – it is the ability to hold the attention of actors and audience , as well as the direct attention of the audience to specific persons or areas on the stage
Sustain – it is also the ability to sustain a role through an entire play , as well as sustain momentum , mood , atmosphere and pace as required .
Generosity – it is the ability to offer something to play off to others and the ability to allow focus to be with other actors .
Stillness- it is , on the other hand , the ability to show thoughts and emotions without movement .
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