I can't believe it's Vegan Icantbeliveitsvegan | Page 53
You will need:
1 cup of almond meal
2 T nutritional yeast
1 Tsp garlic powder
½ tsp sea salt
1. If you don’t have almond meal you can use blanched almonds
and process them down in your food processor.
2. Mix all ingredients
3. Store in airtight container for 2-4 weeks.
You will need:
1 ¼ cups of Soy or coconut
milk powder
¾ cup white sugar
½ cup of hot water
1. Process milk powder and sugar in blender or food processer
till fully blended
2. Slowly add hot water and blend until smooth and all powder
has been incorporated.
3. Store in airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 months
*soy milk powder will give a thicker consistency than coconut but they can both be used on a one for
one ratio in any recipe calling for traditional condensed milk