I can't believe it's Vegan Icantbeliveitsvegan | Page 18
You will need:
200g of mock chicken, or 60g TVP
cutlets or 200-300g of extra firm
tofu - sliced
5cm piece of ginger – grated
2 x fresh mangoes or 425g can of
tinned mangos - diced
8-10 shallots - sliced
2 tsp of corn flour
2 x veggie stock cubes
2 tsp of brown sugar
1 T of white vinegar
1 T of apple cider vinegar
1 tsp of oil (I use coconut)
2 T of soy sauce
3/4 Cup of water or mango juice
1. Gently fry your rehydrated TVP,
mock chicken or tofu in oil, I
use coconut because its super
healthy. Put your “meat”
2. Combine corn flour, veggie
stock, sugar, vinegars, oil, soy
sauce and water (or mango
3. Gently fry the ginger and
shallots, then add the sauce
mixture, heat till sauce boils
and thickens, simmering for
around 3 minutes.
4. Add your ”meat” back in, and
mangos. Heat through
5. Serve over rice or noodles
Originally a non vegan recipe from the Australian Women's Weekly,
Chinese Cooking Class Book