Low Body Temperature and Hypothyroidism
Low body temperature is an epidemic problem. I have personally spoken with nurses and have heard stories from others in the medical field who chart temperatures all day long and who openly admit that it’ s rare to find anyone today with a 98.6 ° F( 37 ° C) temperature unless fever is present. In my own practice, I see the same exact thing.
Low body temperature is more often than not, an indicator of hypothyroidism.
Am I saying that everyone today is hypothyroid? Of course not, but it’ s well known that hypothyroid people get sick more often and are far more likely to develop health complications and disease. So, it should be understandable that the majority of people being seen in hospitals and doctors’ offices for health problems today are far more likely to be hypothyroid.
Your thyroid is responsible for controlling and regulating a large number of functions within your body including:
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Metabolism and Heat Production Circulatory System and Blood Volume Muscular Health Nerve Health Digestive Health Health of Every Organ Health of Every Tissue Health of Every Cell
But today, we don’ t even stop to consider the potential impact that thyroid health has on every function of the human body, and instead we only focus on its impact on our metabolism and our ability to lose weight.
Every cell in your body relies on thyroid hormone to produce energy and remain healthy. When your cells use thyroid hormone, they produce more energy and therefore more heat. When your cells are starved of thyroid hormone, they produce less energy and therefore less heat. By simply measuring the heat that your cells, or body, produce at rest can give you direct insight into how much thyroid hormone your cells are using.
And as I’ ve mentioned many times before, TSH tests, blood tests, and all other thyroid tests DO NOT tell you how much thyroid hormone your cells are actually using, which is the only true way to accurately diagnose hypothyroidism.