Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution PDF / Program Review Free Download Tom Brimeyer | Page 32

Because you are directly measuring your cells use of thyroid hormone, you are effectively measuring the end result, which no other current medical test can measure, making this the most accurate test available. Modern medicine today continues to completely ignore the kinks in your thyroid hormone pathway and just assumes that by simply giving you thyroid hormone medication it will somehow magically bypass all of these kinks and get to where it needs to go. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Not only does monitoring your temperature and pulse give you the most important piece of the puzzle, it’s comes with a lot of additional advantages. For example, it’s entirely free, easy to do yourself, and can be used far more effectively and accurately to track your treatment progress. With the billions of dollars invested each year in medical research and the amazing advancements in medical technology, you would think that we would be able to diagnose hypothyroidism today with 99% accuracy. Heck, I’d even settle for 75% accuracy, but we’re still missing that mark by a long shot. Let me tell you, computer technology today may be advancing at light speed but in many other areas of technology we’re still scratching our heads. It reminds me of my days as an engineer when I was introduced to a navigational program that was still using navigational technology developed by German scientists 70 years ago during WWII. For the past 70 years American scientists have been trying to improve this German design and have achieved nothing but 70 years of failure. Sometimes, it’s a lack of knowledge that slows technological advancement, but when it comes to healthcare, more often than not, it’s ignorance that impedes progress. In the same respect, it’s ignorance that allows us to continue to rely on inaccurate thyroid testing while ignoring a simple test that was developed more than 70 years ago to more accurately diagnose hypothyroidism. However, even this cloud has a silver lining. If you can learn how to take your health into your own hands and effectively test your own thyroid function better and more accurately than your doctor, then you can use this to your advantage in treating your own hypothyroidism better and more effectively than your doctor as well. 7