Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution PDF / Program Review Free Download Tom Brimeyer | Page 23

But investing in your health and healing your thyroid is one of the best investments you can make. Showing people how to take their health into their own hands could make an astronomical difference. Simply educating people and teaching them how to periodically monitor their own temperature in order to determine the onset of hypothyroidism would save massive amounts in unnecessary medical costs. Doctors’ visits would be minimized because patients would not have to continuously see their doctor and run dozens of unnecessary medical tests for chronic symptoms and conditions related to hypothyroidism that their doctor can’t explain or properly treat. People would not be trapped into over-medicating themselves in an attempt to manage their various symptoms to the point that their liver becomes severely damaged, resulting in a number of other medical issues. One client of mine was on hormone replacement therapy and five different medications when she started working with me. We were even able to determine that a couple of her medications were partially responsible for driving her hypothyroidism. Now, she’s off the hormone replacement therapy and her meds and it’s saving her thousands of dollars every year. But most importantly, people would not feel helpless being trapped living a life of pain because their doctor has told them that their health issues are a genetic anomaly that they have no control over and need to come to terms with. It’s time to make a change. It’s Time for a Revolution… I’m tired of hearing doctors tell their patients that their thyroid is permanently damaged and they’ll have to take some sort of medication for life that doesn’t even help. I’m tired of hearing doctors tell their patients that their diet has no affect on their thyroid health. I’m tired of hearing doctors tell their patients that their thyroid is fine and that they just need more medications to mask all of their other health complications that really stem directly from hypothyroidism to begin with. If you want real answers, if you want a better quality of life, if you want to finally feel like yourself again, then there is something that you can do about it. But, you have no choice but to take control of your own health. 23