Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution PDF / Program Review Free Download Tom Brimeyer | Page 22

The Future of Hypothyroidism… I hope that I’ve shed some light on this controversial topic of hypothyroidism for you and exposed some of the major flaws with how hypothyroidism is currently understood, diagnosed, and treated. I think that it’s a pretty fair assessment to say that just about everything that is commonly accepted about hypothyroidism today is false. This has to change. Hypothyroidism has become a major financial burden, not only a personal level, but on a national level as well. While modern medicine continues to ignore the severity of hypothyroidism, its related diseases including heart disease and cancer are only going to continue to rise year after year. As the rate of disease rises, medical costs and insurance premiums will continue to rise as well until eventually medical care becomes too expensive to sustain. Look at how many people end up wiping out their entire savings along with their retirement savings because of ridiculous medical costs related to hypothyroidism. Today, medical costs are the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States. Imagine how many people miss out on promotions, salary increases, advancement in the workplace, or even lose their jobs because they can’t perform to their potential due to hypothyroidism. People invest their money for retirement and other purposes in order to make their future better and brighter. Living with hypothyroidism is like investing everything you have into a sinking ship. 22