Hydrogen Tech World April 2024 | Page 43

[ water treatment ]
Fig . 4 . Portable demi water fill-up equipment at Hidrofilt Water Treatment Ltd .’ s workshop
conditions during operations such as start-up , maintenance events , and cleanings is essential . Therefore , using specially designed equipment for the first filling of the circuit and for the pressure test is advisable .
Table 2 . Sample of main requirements for recirculated water in hydrogen production
Required values in the circulation loop
5 – 7
° C
50 – 60
Electrical conductivity
µ S / cm
< 1.5
Total organic carbon ( TOC )
mg / l
< 0.25
Aluminium ( Al 3 + )
mg / l
< 0.01
Iron ( Fe 3 + )
mg / l
< 0.01
Manganese ( Mn )
mg / l
< 0.005
Cooper ( Cu 2 + )
mg / l
< 0.005
Calcium ( Ca 2 + )
mg / l
< 0.02
Magnesium ( Mg 2 + )
mg / l
< 0.005
Chromium ( Cr 3 + )
mg / l
< 0.005
Manganese ( Mn 2 + )
mg / l
< 0.005
Chloride ( Cl - )
mg / l
< 0.2
Fluoride ( F - )
mg / l
< 0.0005
Sodium ( Na + )
mg / l
< 0.02
Potassium ( K + )
mg / l
< 0.02
Sulphur ( S 2- )
mg / l
< 0.02
Titanium ( Ti 2 + )
mg / l
< 0.005
Zinc ( Zn 2 + )
mg / l
< 0.01
Nickel ( Ni 2 + )
mg / l
< 0.005
In summary , the necessary technological infrastructure to supply high-purity water for all critical tasks within the emerging hydrogen industry is readily available . The use of highquality materials and the implementation of advanced water treatment technologies are crucial factors that influence both the economic efficiency and reliability of the hydrogen production process .
About the author
Dr . Gábor Lakner is a water treatment specialist who obtained his PhD degree in 2019 in biological , environmental , and chemical engineering sciences , with a specialisation in membrane technology . He has worked in the water industry for more than 20 years , serving as a project manager at Hidrofilt Water Treatment Ltd . since 2004 and as commercial director since 2008 . Additionally , he contributes to education as a lecturer at the Nagykanizsa Campus of Pannon University .
Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 15 | April 2024 43