Hydrogen Tech World April 2024 | Page 42

[ water treatment ]
Fig . 3 . Circulated water polishing system with a capacity of 123 m 3 / h for a green hydrogen plant in Germany , designed and manufactured by Hidrofilt Water Treatment Ltd .
designed to remove ions and any by-products from the electrodes during the process to prevent the formation of secondary microbiological activity and the accumulation of total organic compounds ( TOC ).
Water qualities
The source of feedwater ( groundwater , urban water , surface water ) and its treatment significantly impact the price of feedstock water and , consequently , the cost of hydrogen production . Table 1 shows the required feedwater qualities for demi and ultrapure water .
The water quality requirements for recirculated water during electrolysis are determined by the technology supplier . Table 2 shows the water quality requirements for the circulated ( electrode ) cooling water used in a green hydrogen production plant in Germany .
Special considerations
In designing the recirculated water circuit , it is crucial to prevent metal ions release from piping and other components within the typical 50 – 60 ° C temperature range of the circuit , while also meeting the pressure requirements of around 8 bar ( g ). Limiting TOC leaching from watercontacting components and water treatment equipment is vital ; otherwise , the TOC content of the circulating water cannot be kept below the required limit , impairing conditions for economic and safe operation . Due to strict water quality requirements , maintaining high purity internal
Table 1 . Sample for main water requirements for hydrogen production make-up water
Demi water
Ultrapure water
° C
15 – 25
15 – 25
Electrical conductivity
µ S / cm
< 0.2
< 0.06
Total organic carbon ( TOC )
mg / l
< 0.2
< 0.01
Silicate ( SiO 2 )
mg / l
< 0.2
< 0.005
Iron ( Fe 3 + )
mg / l
< 0.002
< 0.0002
Cooper ( Cu 2 + )
mg / l
< 0.003
< 0.0002
Cobalt ( Co 2 + )
mg / l
< 0.003
< 0.0002
Barium ( Ba 2 + )
mg / l
< 0.05
< 0.005
Calcium ( Ca 2 + )
mg / l
< 0.002
< 0.002
Chromium ( Cr 3 + )
mg / l
< 0.002
< 0.002
Manganese ( Mn 2 + )
mg / l
< 0.002
< 0.002
Chloride ( Cl - )
mg / l
< 0.2
< 0.02
Fluoride ( F - )
mg / l
< 0.005
< 0.0005
42 Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 15 | April 2024