[ balance of plant ]
Beyond electrolysers : what else should we look after ?
The quest for sustainable energy solutions has thrust green hydrogen into the spotlight as a promising alternative fuel . Within the intricacies of green hydrogen production , the balance of plant ( BoP ) components play a critical role , extending beyond the core electrolysis process . These components , encompassing everything from power connections and water treatment to cooling systems and hydrogen storage , are essential for operational efficiency , safety , and environmental sustainability . Understanding the BoP is vital for anyone looking to optimize the performance and cost-effectiveness of green hydrogen facilities , highlighting the necessity of a comprehensive approach to plant design and operation .
By Carlos Bernuy-Lopez , Senior Consultant and Thought Leader , Ramboll
When describing a green hydrogen production plant , what elements come to mind ? A hydrogen production facility , particularly one dedicated to green hydrogen , is a complex assembly of systems and infrastructure designed for environmentally friendly hydrogen fuel production , storage , and management . Figure 1 outlines the major streams and components of a green hydrogen production plant .
At the heart of the facility lies the electrolyser system , which splits water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity – sourced ideally from renewable energy to maintain the hydrogen ’ s ‘ green ’ label . This system comprises stacks
12 Hydrogen Tech World | Issue 15 | April 2024