Brandon Robbins
EliZabeth ElVin
When was the moment you knew you were meant to
marry each other?
I’m not really sure of the exact moment. Brandon will tell
you he defi nitely knew within the fi rst few months. I felt
the same way — something was different and exciting
about him. After my friends got to know Brandon, they
were sure to tell me that they would be keeping him.
What part of the wedding planning process are
you most excited about? What are you not looking
forward to?
I think the cake tasting is what we were looking forward
to most, however I have also enjoyed the dress shopping.
The hardest part has been trying to coordinate with
vendors while also maintaining our normal schedule and
Are there any wedding trends that you think are
overdone and want to steer clear of?
There will be no sand or unity candle at our wedding – it’s
nice for others, but not really our thing.
What are three qualities you admire about each other?
EE: Brandon is always dependable and is always willing to
help others. He also has a great sense of humor.
BR: Elizabeth’s ability to go with the fl ow of things, her
empathy and her ability to always make me laugh.
What are you looking forward to most about
married life?
Getting to spend the rest of my life with my best friend,
partner and teammate.
Do you think you’ll cry or get emotional on your
wedding day?
I think Brandon will cry and then that will make me want to
cry, but they will be tears of excitement and joy!