Huntsville Chamber 2024 | Page 55

Madelyn ’ s Rio Grande Valley roots and hispanic heritage distinguish Adler Family Toys , as one of the more visible businesses with a Latina proprietor . “ I think businesses need to reach out more to the Hispanic community here , especially those with kids . I do feel a bit of pride and joy that Willow gets to see ( Latinas ) doing great things , and I ’ m grateful she gets to see mommy be involved ,” said Madelyn .
“ When you ’ re Latino you have a lot of family around you , as you can see , and the sense of help is always with you ,” said Madelyn .
Shane , taking a moment to look ahead said , “ We want to be a part of Huntsville ’ s evolution , because it sometimes gets a bad rap , but that ’ s changing . We just are hoping that we , and other young people like us , are finally the ones to make it happen .”
Adler Family Toys is located at 1219 Sam Houston Ave , and for more information visit their website at adlerfamilytoys . com /.
— Story by George Oliver