Huntsville Chamber 2024 | Page 37

Consulting Hello Huntsville Rob Hipp ( 936 ) 339-0139 www . hippconsulting . com Huntsville
Contractor - Remodeling Cowboy Contractors Clint Wilson ( 936 ) 355-4637 cowboycontractorsllc . com / 76 Townley Ranch Road Huntsville
Sandel Renovation & Patio
Clint Sandel ( 936 ) 581-2210 www . sandelrenovations . com 1230 10th Street Huntsville
Contractors-General Bill Wood Dirt Contractor Bill Wood ( 936 ) 661-1455 163 FM 2628 Huntsville
Clopton Brothers Construction , LLC Larry Clopton , Jr . ( 936 ) 293-6909 www . cloptonbrothersconstruction . com 74B Bearscott Rd Huntsville
Gann Excavation & Dozer Services , LLC Bobby Gann ( 936 ) 661-5200 27 Akridge Dr Huntsville
Contractors-General B & N General Contractors LLC Natasha Gatling ( 936 ) 668-8040 BNHTX . COM 125 Sendero Dr Huntsville
In Pace Builders , LLC Chris deMilliano ( 936 ) 295-5898 inpacebuilders . com 1405 Southwood Dr . Huntsville
J & M Contracting Inc Jimmy Spivey ( 936 ) 291-1691 ( 936 ) 291-7980 1643 SH 75 N Huntsville
Soil Stabilization • Base Work Asphalt Paving • Chip Seal
Locally Owned Since 1976 Estimate Without Obligation • Residential & Commercial ( 936 ) 291-2561 Fax 888-687-7506 watersconstructionco . net
32 FM 2296 HUNTSVILLE , TX 77340
Morton Buildings Nathan Mueller ( 281 ) 475-0226 www . mortonbuildings . com 8840 FM 2920 Road Spring
RVision Homes , LTD Pamela Bloom ( 281 ) 844-2887 rvisionhomes . com 20510 FM 1488 Magnolia
Seale Construction Cameron Seale ( 936 ) 662-4423 www . sealeconstruction . com / 1027 I-45 South Suite 4 Huntsville
Contractors-General / Land Management
Davidson Land Management Matthew Davidson ( 409 ) 882-7503 davidsonlandmanagement . com 70 Hadley Creek Bend Huntsville
Contractors-General / Real Estate Developer / Sub-Division
Sierra Classic Custom Homes William Rice ( 936 ) 577-5787 www . sierraclassic . com 24275 Katy Fwy ., Suite 225 Katy
Copy / Print Equipment & Supplies Texas Document Solutions , Inc . Louis Hernandez ( 979 ) 775-5500 www . texdocsol . com 2151 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South Suite 101 College Station
Cosmetics / Skin Care Coach Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant - Charlotte McConnell Charlotte McConnell ( 512 ) 567-0509 www . marykay . com / cmcconnell5 Huntsville
Counseling , Personal Rise Counseling & Wellness Katie McMahon ( 936 ) 642-0061 www . risewellnesscenter . org 1305 11th St Huntsville
Serene Space Counseling , PLLC Belinda Hernandez ( 936 ) 220-2944 ( 936 ) 818-0012 serenespacecounseling . com 1325 Windsor St . Suite B Huntsville
Counseling , Personal / Mental Health Services
Be the Light Counseling Victoria Bothmann ( 936 ) 310-0051 bethelightcounseling . org / 1325 Windsor Street , D-1 Huntsville
Country Clubs Elkins Lake Recreation Corp . Jordan Otto ( 936 ) 295-8181 ( 936 ) 295-6975 www . elkinslake . net 632 Cherry Hills Drive Huntsville