Child Care - After school / Preschool / Non Profit Organization
Tomorrow ’ s Promise Montessori Schools
Kaye Boehning ( 936 ) 435-0303 www . tomorrowspromise . info 2801 Old Houston Rd Huntsville
Chiropractors Huntsville Physical Medicine Institute Gregory D . Peter , D . C . ( 936 ) 291-2111 ( 936 ) 291-0665 www . huntsvilletexaschiropractor . com 901 Normal Park # 201 Huntsville
Rodgers Stein Chiropractic Center Dr Stacey Rodgers , D . C . ( 936 ) 441-9990 rodgerssteinchiropractic . com 152 Col Etheredge Blvd , Suite 406 Huntsville
Sandstone Chiropractic Kelsie Keith ( 936 ) 500-8385 sandstonechiropractic . com / 227 State Highway 75 N , Suite 135 Huntsville
Churches Cook Springs Baptist Church Nita Comella ( 936 ) 295-7968 www . cooksprings . org 1936A State Hwy 75 North Huntsville
Faith Lutheran Church Jane Kingsborough ( 936 ) 295-5298 | ( 936 ) 295-8266 www . faithhuntsville . org 111 Sumac Rd Huntsville
Family Faith Church Jeff Hackleman ( 936 ) 291-9458 | ( 936 ) 294-9203 www . familyfaithchurch . com 2407 Sam Houston Ave Huntsville
First Baptist Church Linda Webb ( 936 ) 291-3441 | ( 936 ) 291-1174 www . fbchuntsville . org 1229 Avenue J Huntsville
First Christian Church Lonna Britt ( 936 ) 295-3677 www . fcchtx . org 1800 Avenue R Huntsville
First Presbyterian Church Craig King ( 936 ) 295-2440 www . firstpreshuntsvilletx . org / 1801 19th Street Huntsville
First United Methodist Church ( 936 ) 295-5441 | ( 936 ) 295-0694 www . huntsvillefumc . org 1016 Sam Houston Avenue Huntsville
Greater Robinson Memorial Church of God in Christ Charles Greggs ( 936 ) 439-6123 Facebook . com / GreaterRobinsonMemorialCOGIC 515 Ave . M , Huntsville
Huntsville Church of Christ Amy Balch ( 936 ) 295-3884 ( 936 ) 439-0952 www . hcoc . church 3737 State Highway 30 W Huntsville
New Life Apostolic Daryl Clenney ( 936 ) 662-1996 newlifeapostolic-nla . com 4 Gatlin Road Huntsville
Northside Baptist Church Reagan Cooksey ( 936 ) 295-3667 ( 936 ) 295-3448 www . northside-baptist . org 1207 FM 980 Huntsville
St . Stephens Episcopal Church Blake Rider ( 936 ) 295-7226 www . ststephens1 . org 5019 Sam Houston Ave Huntsville
Stone Creek Fellowship Church Bill Parker ( 936 ) 213-1696 stonecreekfellowship . org 96 FM 2550 RD Huntsville
University Heights Baptist Church Richard Rogers ( 936 ) 295-2996 ( 936 ) 295-8728 www . uhbc . net 2400 Sycamore Ave Huntsville
Churches / Child Care Second Baptist Church & Preschool Gary Garrison ( 936 ) 295-6404 | ( 936 ) 295-3113 www . sbchuntsville . org 2517 Sam Houston Avenue Huntsville
City Government City of Huntsville ( 936 ) 291-5400 www . huntsvilletx . gov 1212 Avenue M Huntsville
Cleaners Bubbles Wash House Charles Thompson ( 936 ) 295-5603 www . bubbleswashhouse . com / 2505 Lake Road Suite 8 Huntsville
Lucky Star Cleaners Josh Mooney ( 936 ) 291-8654 | ( 936 ) 291-2219 www . luckystarcleaners . com 40 State Highway 75 N Huntsville
Town & Country Cleaners Steve Fox ( 936 ) 295-9118 | ( 936 ) 295-6545 www . townandcountrydelivery . com 1715 11th Street Huntsville
Commercial Real Estate Developer
Ravenwood Village II , Ltd . Clay Trozzo ( 832 ) 804-8500 | ( 832 ) 804-8525 www . propertycommerce . com c / o Property Commerce PO Box 771149 Houston