“And so, what I’ve just wanted
to do is do that, which has been
a little more difficult for me because I did start off very explicitly.
That’s what Christians know me
for,” he said. Lecrae’s first albums
emphasized spelling out his beliefs
more than making the best music
possible. “So when I venture outside of that now, it’s almost as if
I’m punting everything that I believe because I’m not as explicit.”
And so it is with modern evangelical Christianity; almost by necessity, because it is no longer the
majority view, evangelicalism has
become more sophisticated in its
understanding of the way faith interacts with the world outside the
walls of church. Yet at the same
time, it is still grappling with a loud
minority who are the offspring of
decades of bifurcated thinking.
“The hard-lined wing of evangelicalism that wou ܚ]X