in the private prison business, more
than doubled their revenues from
immigrant detentions, according to
securities filings examined by The
Huffington Post in 2012.
Steven Owen, the senior director of public affairs for CCA, said
the company would not comment on government policy, but
argued that the company’s facilities offer better conditions than
county jails, which are also used
for immigrant detentions.
“Our professionals are deeply
committed to treating those entrusted to their care with fair-
ness, dignity and respect,” he
said. “We also understand and
appreciate that our services are
one of a number of solutions being considered and implemented
by the government,” he added.
One recent evening, sitting at a
plastic table in the visiting room,
Campos spoke about his time at
the center through an interpreter.
A small man with a neatly clipped
mustache and a gentle manner,
he said he spent his days watching TV, reading the Bible, exercising, talking with other detainees
and worrying. He’d bonded with
one of his cellmates, a Romanian
father of two who had learned to
speak Spanish fluently during his
were arrested
after blocking
access to
the Elizabeth
center in