Huffington Magazine Issue 83 | Page 37

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: AP PHOTO/ALESSANDRA TARANTINO; WILLIAM B. PLOWMAN/NBC/NBC NEWSWIRE; JOE RAEDLE/GETTY IMAGES Voices QUOTED HUFFINGTON 01.12.14 “For a little while in my teenage years, my friends and I read David [Brooks] columns... I have some fond memories of us all being uninformed and feeling superior together.” — Vanity Fair’s Juli Weiner “Her portrayal of an intelligent agent is beyond artificial.” on the NYTimes columnist’s roundly mocked piece on smoking weed — Siri, when asked about the voice software program voiced by Scarlet Johansson in Spike Jonze’s new film Her The opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is indifference. Guess this guy’s not there yet. — HuffPost commenter Rheinbear on “Toyota Driver Hates His Ex Enough To Rant About It On His License Plate” “La la la la... I’m not listening... more fossil fuel please!” — HuffPost commenter Reverend_Atheist on “Message In A Bottle Found In Arctic Gl