Huffington Magazine Issue 8 | Page 24

Voices BHAKTI SHRINGARPURE HUFFINGTON 08.05.12 On “Exotic” Parenting WHEN OUR SON Surya was five months old, he was finally starting to sleep longer stretches at night and we as parents were slightly less strung out. But soon thereafter, he suddenly stopped sleeping for longer than 45 minutes at a time. Surya has two sets of fawning grandparents—one American, the other Indian. My husband and I have become fluent in narrating baby stories twice every Sunday on Skype to our respective families. But when we spoke about ILLUSTRATION ALEX NABAUM the multiple awakenings we got hilariously contradictory reactions. Michael’s American parents immediately concluded, “It’s time to start showing that little boy who’s boss,” while my Indian mother gushed, “Wow, he is so advanced! It’s amazing he has figured out how to communicate with his parents!” Meanwhile, Surya’s sleep patterns only worsened and his Bhakti Shringarpure is the editor of Warscapes magazine