list of every girl he’s dated to see
if he has ever done anything to
piss any of them off?! Then we’d
haveloads to fight about! Fab!
Forget about timing and chemistry and if his grandfather died
the night before he went out with
“Anonymous Reviewer 24” who
called him #Absent and #NotPresent. Why would that matter?
So by this point, if you’re single, Lulu has poured salt in your
most recent wounds and deterred
you from the nice guy you went
out with last night.
Maybe this “app for girls” is
better suited for people in relationships? Nope. If you’re in a
relationship, forget about getting
re-mad, prepare for just plain
mad. My close friend — let’s call
him Andrew — has been with his
girlfriend for two years. Aside
from being a loyal, committed
boyfriend to her, he has been a
tremendously good friend to me.
Not to mention, he’s just a really
great guy. Last night, after having read the NYT article he asked
his girlfriend to look him up on
this app. Curiosity killed the cat,
man. What transpired was hours
of fighting and questioning. If it
ain’t broke, don’t break it apart
into a million pieces by creating a
forum where other girls can talk
about sex with your boyfriend!
Let’s talk about feminism, ladies. Let’s talk about sisterhood.
Support. Protection. If this was
a website geared toward men, we
would die. All of us. Collectively.
Imagine if everyone we ever dated,
If you’re single, Lulu
has poured salt in your most
recent wounds and deterred
you from the nice guy you
went out with last night.”
kissed, slept with or exchanged
I love you’s with could do this
to us: #fartsinbed #likestohavesexonherperiod #wantstokisstoomuch. How do we expect
respect? How do we demand respect if this is how we behave?
We don’t deserve it.
Lulu gives women the illusion
of control, but the only thing I can
glean from this is the opposite.
Desperation for control has driven
women to act like the worst version
of themselves. Let’s be better before they get us back.
Sam Ressler is an LA-based
actress and writer.