Huffington Magazine Issue 75 | Page 48

RADLEY BALKO POLICING THE POLICE what Obama was doing with indefinite detention. But he was never volatile about it. I think he just internalized it. It made him sad.” In one postcard he sent to his sister from jail, Stewart cautioned her against vaccinating her son, because, he explained, he didn’t trust pharmaceutical companies. In another, he told her that despite his depression, he refused to take anti-depressants. He didn’t trust them or the companies that made them. Michael Stewart, a private in- HUFFINGTON 11.17.13 “It wasn’t even the raid itself that turned me off to cops.  It was the way they treated  my family after it happened.” vestigator, says his son lost his security job for accessing IRS computers without authorization. “He worked the night shifts. He got bored. So he started surfing the web on the computers inside. He probably accessed some conspiracy websites,” Stewart says. “That’s what got him fired.” “He would sometimes go on Matthew’s sister-in-law, Erna Stewart, has been a leading advocate for police reform.