Huffington Magazine Issue 75 | Page 12

Enter KEVIN WINTER/GETTY IMAGES FOR INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS While Clinton has given speeches to banks, it’s not exactly clear what her messaging will be once she begins a likely campaign — it’s entirely possible that, seeing the current terrain among Democrats, Clinton will make a strong progressive economics argument. Her economic policy stances over the years generally have not been those of a centrist. She’s embraced, as the Washington Post’s Ezra Klein noted Monday, many of the same policies aimed at lifting the middle class as Warren has. Take that, Elizabeth Warren! Not only is Clinton probably going to make a “strong progressive economics argument,” she’s been making these strong progressive economics arguments all along, ha ha! And in addition, all of Clinton’s pals in the lefty think-tank world are going to be doing a lot of lefty think-tanking for her between now and the presidential election, which I’ll remind you is in 2016, which is a whole different year from 2013, the current year in which we are living. If that doesn’t do the trick, Clinton will have to fall back on the fact that Warren has no cer- LOOKING FORWARD IN ANGST HUFFINGTON 11.17.13 ‘Yeah, Hillary is running. And she’ll probably win. ... But Elizabeth doesn’t care about winning. She doesn’t care whose turn it is.’ I mean, there you have it, right? Rando Mystery Aide probably knows best.” tain donor base for a presidential run, is less likely to secure the endorsement of influential Democrats, has no clear path to victory in a primary, doesn’t factor into the polling picture in a significant way, has already given Clinton her endorsement, and isn’t running for president. In short, there appears to be nothing that Hillary Clinton cannot do when there is nothing being done to her. Clinton is currently the favorite to run on the Democratic presidential ticket in 2016.