Huffington Magazine Issue 75 | Page 10

ANDREW HARRER/BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES Enter LOOKING FORWARD IN ANGST JASON LINKINS HUFFINGTON 11.17.13 AMAZING HILLARY CLINTON BEATS BACK NON-EXISTENT PRIMARY CHALLENGE WITHIN 24 HOURS OF IT NOT STARTING VER THE PAST WEEK, and three years before the next presidential election, a tidal wave of hype has swept o’er the land. That wave of hype concerns for- O mer Secretary of State and Sen. Hillary Clinton, a woman who is presumed to be running for president, and a potential primary challenge from the left in the form of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (DMass.), a woman who has urged Hillary Clinton to run for president. You know, as one does when Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Hillary Clinton were placed in an imaginary primary battle before either announced their intention to run for president.