Huffington Magazine Issue 73 | Page 13

Enter inedible turkey to for Thanksgiving. 9. Eventually, the problem that precipitated the need for the Affordable Care Act in the first place — the fact that millions of Americans cannot afford basic health care coverage — will be discovered, hiding in a spider hole in a remote location. “Millions of Americans cannot afford basic health care coverage” will be subsequently deloused, imprisoned, tried, and eventually hanged by masked goons, who chant “Muqtada,” for what I am sure is some perfectly rational reason that you probably shouldn’t worry about. 10. Finally, after a long, hard slog, a nominally functioning Healthcare. gov website will come online, and by all appearances work reasonably well. The one weird thing is that will be more closely tied, and sympathetic to, the Iranian regime than anyone expected. 11. In a final analysis, repairing the glitches in the Healthcare. gov website will be found to have caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands. 12. Eventually, the GOP presidential contender most closely associated with opposing the Affordable Care Act — Ted Cruz, I LOOKING FORWARD IN ANGST HUFFINGTON 11.03.13 Perhaps I should have spec Y