Huffington Magazine Issue 73 | Page 12

Enter Also, the word “surge” has been used in conjunction with each thing’s terrible flaws, and the efforts to repair the problem. So, that’s something. That is, at the very least, a “thing.” It isn’t easy to make these sorts of comparisons. As they say, the perfect analogy is like a gravel-sack cherry-flavored armchair marmalade kitten-butt. Even so, with these points of intersection, you sort of have to give a little credence to the idea that this website is kind of like a war. And from there, you sort of need to admit that on a long enough timeline, the website could — maybe! — become almost exactly like the Iraq War. So, how can this objectively false equivalence achieve, over time, a little more truthiness? For to become more like the Iraq War, here are the 12 things that will have to happen as the efforts to fix proceed. 1. In short order, the Healthcare. gov website will pull down a statue of “millions of Americans cannot afford basic health care coverage.” It will be initially reported as something of an emotional turning point, but later it will come to light that it was all blown out of proportion. 2. Sometime this week, and in LOOKING FORWARD IN ANGST spite of the fact that the hard work of fixing the website has only just begun, a “Mission Accomplished” banner will be affixed to the Department of Health and Human Services. The president will stand in front of HHS, extolling the work that hasn’t been completed. 3. Somehow, the ongoing work on will result in the Smithsonian being looted of hundreds of priceless antiquities. 4. Referring to federal IT contractors and phone-bound customer service professionals, Kathleen Sebelius says, “As you know, you go to war with the Army you have. They’re not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time.” 5. Approximately $12 billion, shrink-wrapped and shipped to on pallets, will just up and disappear for no good reason. 6. will be referred to by President Barack Obama as a “catastrophic success.” 7. Photos will be released depicting, among other things, a group of naked and humiliated contractors from website creator, CGI Federal, stacked atop one another in a pyramid. 8. Obama will bring an HUFFINGTON 11.03.13