your body needs more food and
you’re ignoring it. Then they’re a
sign that your 1,200 calorie diet is
horseshit. Then they’re a sign that
you’ve been played.
And that’s mostly why I’m
sorry. Because I’ve been played
for years, and so have you, and
inadvertently, I fed into the lies
you’ve been told your whole
life. The lies that say that being
healthy means nothing unless you
are also thin. The lies that say
that you are never enough, that
your body is not a beautiful work
of art, but rather a piece of clay
to be molded by society’s norms
until it becomes a certain type
of sculpture. And even then, it is
still a work in progress.
I owe you an apology, my
former client and now friend,
who I helped to lose too much
weight. Who I watched gain the
weight back, plus some. Because
that’s what happens when you
put someone on a 1,200 calorie
diet. But I didn’t know. If you’re
reading this, then I want you to
know that you have always been
beautiful. And that all these fad
diets are crap meant to screw
with your metabolism so that
you have to keep buying into
them. I think now that I was a
I helped you lose
weight and then gain it
back, so that you thought
we were the solution and
you were the failure.”
really good weight loss consultant. Because I did exactly what
the company wanted (but would
never dare say). I helped you lose
weight and then gain it back, so
that you thought we were the solution and you were the failure.