Huffington Magazine Issue 61 | Page 12

DATA Enter 26 STATES 2 STATES STATES WITH ABORTION WAIT HUFFINGTON 08.11.13 13 STATES 11 STATES STATES WITH ABORTION AND GUN WAIT STATES WITH GUN WAIT SOURCES: GUTTMACHER INSTITUTE, SMARTGUNLAWS.ORG Get in Line for an Abortion. Step Right Up for a Gun. In many states, it takes longer to get an abortion than it does to purchase a gun. Twenty-six states require women to wait for an abortion, usually 24 hours after an initial counseling session — making the procedure more drawn out for everyone and less accessible to people who live in rural areas or have to take time off of work. Several of these states do not waive the waiting period in cases of rape. And in all but two of the states that mandate waiting periods for abortions, there is no wait at all to purchase a firearm. The federal government protects both the right to bear arms and the right to have an abortion, but barriers to exercising these rights often depend on whether a state is controlled by STATES WITH NO WAIT Democrats or Republicans. Studies have shown that waiting periods for abortions do not change women’s decisions to go through with the procedure, and they cause “excessive” emotional and financial hardships. Waiting periods for guns are intended to allow for a “cooling off” period and to provide time for background checks, which were not extended to cover private sales after a background check compromise was blocked by the Senate in April. It’s hard to predict the impact of waiting periods in an unevenly regulated gun market, but the waiting periods imposed by the Brady Act in 1994 were linked to a drop in gun suicides, which now outnumber gun homicides in the U.S. — Katy Hall