Huffington Magazine Issue 5 | Page 35

QUOTED AP PHOTO/SUSAN WALSH (ROMNEY); AP PHOTO/LUCAS JACKSON (ROCK); SHUTTERSTOCK (HANDCUFFED MAN) Voices “The more folks learn about Romney, the less they like him.” — HuffPost commentor undecidedaboutPOTUS Until you start seeing Banksters being frog-marched to jail, ‘tough’ is nothing more than appeasement to a righteously angry public over financial corruption. — HuffPost commenter VoiceofV HUFFINGTON 07.15.12 “I agree with Chris Rock and I agree with George Carlin and Lenny Bruce and Dave Chappelle. America can be absurd.” — HuffPost commenter ETAOINSHRDLU on Chris Rock’s “white people’s independence day” tweet “It’s bad, bad, bad across the board. It’s quite clear the president got terrible advice early in his administration.” — George Will to This Week about the June jobs report “It’s a lot harder to undo something than it is to stop it in the first place.” — Mitch McConnell on the odds of repealing the Affordable Care Act