Huffington Magazine Issue 48 | Page 35

QUOTED Voices HUFFINGTON 05.12.13 “We will do it. A family is a family,” —Ruslan Tsarni CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: IDA MAE ASTUTE/ABC VIA GETTY IMAGES; ALLISON SHELLEY/ GETTY IMAGES; RANDI805/FLICKR; KARWAI TANG/WIREIMAGE/GETTY IAMGES “I’d like to be reconsidered as a person.” told the AP about claiming the dead body of his nephew Tamerlan Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing, now that his wife has agreed to release it —Amanda Knox to Diane Sawyer, in an exclusive interview “I’m afraid there were a few ‘thespian’ words used.” —Helen Mirren to The Telegraph, on yelling at a group of drummers who disrupted her play “Now who wouldn’t love a Rastafarian Banana in the face of adversity?” —HuffPost Commenter El_Trife, on Henry Gribbohm losing his life savings at a carnival game, and winning a stuffed banana with dreadlocks