Huffington Magazine Issue 41 | Page 50

CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/GETTY IMAGES APPLE PICKING in particular — tend to be abundant in the United States, but in limited supply in foreign markets, reinforcing their cachet there. “There’s tremendous demand,” said Israel Ganot, president of Gazelle, an electronics recycler, adding that his company checks stolen phone databases before shipping recycled phones overseas. “People will pay almost anything.” PRESSURE ON APPLE Apple products are not the only brand at the center of soaring rates of gadget-related crime, but iPhones — and increasingly iPads HUFFINGTON 03.24.13 — appear to be in highest demand, according to police. Two years ago, a thief who robbed Columbia University students in New York City demanded their iPhones. When the students handed over BlackBerry smartphones instead, the mugger didn’t want them and gave them back, according to DNAinfo, a local news site. The iPhone is just the latest Apple product to be targeted for theft. In 2005, New York police warned commuters about an increase in iPod thefts on city subways. That year, two teenagers were charged with stabbing 15-year-old Christopher Rose to death in Brooklyn during a fight over an iPod. After Rose’s slaying made headlines, About 40 percent of thefts in major U.S. cities now involve cell phones. Apple’s iPhone is the most popular target.