Huffington Magazine Issue 41 | Page 12

Enter the Obama administration a “comeuppance” for “bureaucratic hostage taking,” I daresay there’s plenty of examples of furloughed employees and airport closures and canceled tuition assistance and forestalled corruption trial work that will help in that effort. And unlike the White House tours story, coverage of these stories would actually have some measure of journalistic merit. The argument for covering the White House tours non-story in this all-in, claws-out approach is that it catches the Obama administration out in a gamble, that’s now been ferreted out by Beltway reporters. And really, that’s terrific. Bully for them. Gold stars all around. You guys found yourselves a real, live political stunt. But I’ve got news for you guys! The sequestration itself is a political stunt. The super committee was a political stunt. The SimpsonBowles commission was a political stunt. The round of debt-ceiling hostage-taking that put us on the path to the sequestration in the first place was a political stunt. Heck, the entire frenzy over deficit “grand bargaining” at a time when we are experiencing mortal peril in the form of a massive unemployment crisis is a political stunt. LOOKING FORWARD IN ANGST HUFFINGTON 03.24.13 And the hilarious thing about the cancellation of the White House tours is that maybe the gamble worked. I can’t say whether it was an administration priority to engineer a sequestration-related inconvenience that would demonstrate that the hopelessly cosseted Washington media was incapable of evincing any concern beyond the purely parochial