Huffington Magazine Issue 38 | Page 39

FAMILY UNDERTAKING HUFFINGTON 03.03.13 deaths happen in a hospital, nursing that are friendly to the cause point to an home or long-term care facility. What increasing demand. happens afterwards is nearly always the The reasons vary from the economic to same, with few exceptions for religious the psychological and cultural. The avertraditions: A doctor or nurse will sign age funeral costs $6,560, while a home a death certificate and the body will be funeral can cost close to nothing. In a sowhisked to the funeral home, where it’s ciety where seeing death and speaking of washed, embalmed, dressed, and preit is often taboo, home funeral advocates pared for a viewing and burial. A family are challenging the notion that tradiusually sees the dead only a few times: tional funerals are anything but a natuwhen they die, if there’s an open-casket ral end to life. Instead, they assert, death viewing and in the rare case when a casand mourning should be seen, smelled, ket is opened during burial. touched and experienced. But a small and growing Death and “There are people who get group of Americans are remourning it and think it’s a great idea. turning to a more hands-on, should And there are people who no-frills experience of death. be seen, have been so indoctrinated In the world of “do it yoursmelled, to think a different way, a self” funerals, freezer packs touched and less hands-on way, that they are used in lieu of embalmexperienced. can’t imagine anything else,” ing, unvarnished wooden says Elizabeth Knox, the boxes replace ornate caskets, viewings founder of Crossings, a Maryland-based are in living rooms and, in some cases, home funeral resource organization and burials happen in backyards. the vice president of the National Home Nobody keeps track of the number of Funeral Alliance. home funerals and advocacy groups, but Knox travels across the nation to run home funeral organizations have won trainings on do-it-yourself funerals and battles in recent years in states such her book on her daughter’s home funeral as Minnesota and Utah that have atis what inspired the Kirks to do their tempted to ban the practice. Most states own. Her group is one of several that have have nearly eliminated any requirements seen interest grow in recent years. They that professionals play a role in funerals. include Final Passages (California), NatuIt’s now legal in all but eight states to ral Transitions (Colorado) and Undertakcare for one’s own after death. And the en with Love (Texas). There are 61 orgagrowth of community-based, nonprofit nizations that are members of the NHFA, home funeral groups and burial grounds many of which are run by just one person.