Huffington Magazine Issue 1 | Page 39

Voices QUOTED It’s voodoo economics. It is not going to work and it’s not working. — Joseph Stiglitz, economist, on Spain’s bank bailout HUFFINGTON 06.17.12 “I didn’t get why I was wearing a mask. But I understand it now — why my dad would want our faces to be covered. When we went out without him we wouldn’t be recognized.” — Paris Jackson TOP TO BOTTOM: AP PHOTO/HARPO INC., GEORGE BURNS; AP PHOTO/RICK BOWMER in an interview with Oprah “I hope that things change in this country, especially for those of you who suffer everyday.” — HuffPost commentor LILLYPUTT on medical marijuana “In an era where teens constantly commit suicide because the Internet makes it impossible to go home and escape school bullies, is it wise to introduce even younger children to this arena?” — HuffPost commenter allerleirauh on Facebook developing technology for kids under 13