Huffington Magazine Issue 1 | Page 38

ANDREW H. WALKER/WIREIMAGE FOR TONY AWARDS PRODUCTIONS (HARRIS); PAUL DRINKWATER/NBCU PHOTO BANK (HUCKABEE) Voices QUOTED HUFFINGTON 06.17.12 “Until Mexico can pay their police more than a cartel can pay, there is always going to be violence.” — HuffPost commentor aquarius2 I mean, it’s not going to be like, ‘Hey guys, we’ve been out looking for a black friend or a friend in a wheelchair or a friend with a hat.’ The tough thing is you kind of can’t win on that one. I have to write people who feel honest but also push our cultural ball forward. — Lena Dunham to NYT Magazine on whether Girls might cast “friends of color” next season “I think there’s a greater likelihood that I’ll be asked by Madonna to go on tour as her bass player.” — Mike Huckabee to ABC’s This Week on his VP prospects “Welcome to the 66th annual Tony Awards, or as we like to call it, 50 Shades of Gay.” — Neil Patrick Harris while hosting the Tonys “Don’t let big money drown out our say. This influx of nonprofit funneling of funds is for that exact purpose, unchecked, free-reign of funds towards making sure they get the result THEY want, regardless of what the rest of us, the voters, have to say.” — HuffPost commentor Thor Halvorsen