Huffington Magazine Issue 1 | Page 31

Voices A LISA BELKIN HUFFINGTON 06.17.12 The Daddy Track T A CONFERENCE in Austin, Texas, last month the discussions sounded more than a little familiar.  The 200 parenting bloggers shared their fears: that ratcheting down their work aspirations while their children were young would hurt their careers in the long run; that employers preached balance but did not really allow for it; that they were looked down upon by those who had chosen more ambitious paths.  It was a time-worn, and predictable, conversation about work and parenting. Except for the fact that all 200 of these bloggers were fathers, and they were attending a conference called “Dad 2.0.” “Fathers today are where mothers were 20 years ago,” says Brad Harrington, the executive director of the Center for Work & Family at the Carroll School of Management at Boston College. Women, he says, “have always had legitimacy in the home, and in the 80s they ILLUSTRATION BY MAREK HAIDUK Lisa Belkin is a senior columnist at The Huffington Post