HTT 250  Help A Clearer path to student success/ HTT 250  Help A Clearer path to student success/uo | Page 9

HTT 250 Week 8 DQs For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com
HTT 250 Week 9 Final Project , appendix B C D For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com
Select a small , medium , or large lodging property . As director of security , choose three key areas to focus on to improve security while remaining within your budget . Review the CPTED areas on p . 383 of the text and prioritize three areas you think are most important . Discuss , in 200 to 300 words , what you would implement for your hotel . You must explain your decision .

HTT 250 Week 8 DQs For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com

HTT 250 Week 8 DQs ---------------------------------------------------------------------

HTT 250 Week 9 Final Project , appendix B C D For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com

A Day in the Life of a Hotel Front Office Manager As the front desk manager for a large hotel with conference space and ballrooms , most of your days are busy ; however , today is particularly busy . Your hours are normally 5 a . m . to 5 p . m . but sometimes you stay late if there are situations that require your attention . All week you have been anticipating and planning for the busy upcoming holiday weekend . Two major events are happening : the county health inspector ’ s semiannual visit to your kitchen and restaurant , and the wedding reception of the governor ’ s daughter . Additionally , minor