HTT 250  Help A Clearer path to student success/ HTT 250  Help A Clearer path to student success/uo | Page 8

What motivation theories would you apply as front office manager? Would you use the same application for everyone? Why or why not? What programs would you implement to continue to motivate your enthusiastic employees and increase motivation among your less- enthusiastic employees?Incorporate your answers and create a brief training strategy explaining that hospitality is the first priority. Include an introduction and conclusion to your assignment --------------------------------------------------------------------- HTT 250 Week 7 CheckPoint: In-house Sales For more course tutorials visit Resource: Ch. 13 of Hotel Front Office Management Answer the following questions in 200 to 300 words: What role does the hotel front office have in promoting other hotel services? Who would you include in a brainstorming session to address improving the point-of-sale office? What ideas do you have for improving the point of sale office? How can front office sales increase the hotel’s bottom line? --------------------------------------------------------------------- HTT 250 Week 8 CheckPoint: Hotel Security For more course tutorials visit Resource: Ch. 14 and the CPTED guidelines on p. 383 in Ch. 14 of Hotel Front Office Management