HTT 250  Help A Clearer path to student success/ HTT 250  Help A Clearer path to student success/uo | Page 4

Begin this assignment by answering the following question: How is yield management, or revenue management, used in the hotel industry? Complete the following three scenarios on p. 179 of the text. For Scenario 1, use the formula provided on p. 172 of the text. Show your work in a Microsoft® Word document. For Scenario 2, design your plan in 200 to 300 words. For Scenario 3, defend your decision in 200 to 300 words. Conclude your assignment with your thoughts on the use of yield or revenue management in the hotel industry. Structure your assignment similar to the following: Introduction Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- HTT 250 Week 3 CheckPoint: Average Daily Rate For more course tutorials visit Resource: Ch. 6 of Hotel Front Office Management Assume you are a hotel front office manager. Consult Ch. 6 for details about duties of the front office manager. In 200 to 300 words, answer the following questions: What tools do you possess to develop a higher average daily rate (ADR)? Do you favor higher occupancy or a higher rate? What strategies would you employ to achieve higher occupancy or a higher rate? ---------------------------------------------------------------------